ライフヴィジョン事業対象者(Life Vision Business Customer)

代表 田代竜大
rt.tashiroあっとgmail.com ※あっとを@に換えて送信ください。メールアドレスを公開しました。
<English Version>
 Life Vision Business Customer Detail.
 ・Old&young, man&woman OK.
 ・From Japan, From Abroad Both OK.
 ・All Country OK.
 ・Person, Group, Enterprise, Organization, Community etc... OK.
 ・People Number is One People or Some People or Many People OK.
  I can speak English. I experienced Backpacker, Easy English and Slow Speed
English OK. For example, I can talk only English on 1 hour. That's I'm English Level.
So English conversation and communication is I'm OK.
Office Tabito
Business Owner Ryuta Tashiro
rt.tashiro at gmail.com 
※"at" is exchangeing "@", and please submit e-mail. I'm opening my e-mail address.